Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Saving Your Family & Friends from Addiction

Saving Your Family & Friends from Addiction

Your friends and family are some of the most important people in your life, and you want to make sure you keep them safe! Right now in our country we have a problem with drugs, especially a certain class of drugs called opioids. These drugs work as painkillers and are very addictive. This is why they ruin lives. People will take these painkillers and won't be able to stop because of the way these drugs rewire your brain.

Painkillers aren't necessarily a bad thing, it's the way people abuse them that make them bad. Doctors actually prescribe painkillers to patients who have severe pain and give them instructions on how many to take each day. This is where people go off line. The patient ends up taking more than the doctor prescribed because they like the feeling it gives them. This is where they become addictive and the brain keeps asking for more, making these pills very dangerous for you, your family and friend's health!

When someone becomes so addicted to these pills to the point where they are buying them off the street, they are spending all of their money to where they can go completely broke. They decide to go to cheaper, street drugs like heroin that can kill you. This breaks apart families financially and socially and nobody wants that to happen.

The fact is that the disease of addiction can happen to anyone. You want to make sure you and your family stay clear of these harmful drugs because they can ruin lives. You can start by educating your friends about the issue and have them make the right choices. If you suspect anything about a family member or friend, talk to them, make sure they're OK and not making any bad choices.

Saving the Antarctic

Image result for adelie penguin cartoon image Help This Little Guy Out!

Image result for cartoon factory smokeThis is Petey the Penguin and he and his friends are having a difficult time finding food down in his cold home of Antarctica. Petey looks under ice sheets for a little critter called krill. Krill are what Pete and his friends eat. But Petey and his friends are in trouble, because those ice sheets that are home to their food are melting. Now that their ice sheets are melting, they have to travel far enough to find another ice sheet that contains their food. Which can end up being really tiring for Petey and his friends. The air we breathe is becoming hotter because of factory smoke being released into the air. Those dark grey clouds are causing the air to become hotter, and the air getting hotter is defined as global warming. Which is a form of climate change. Petey does not want the weather to warm up, he wants it to stay freezing cold down in Antarctica the way he likes it. For now Petey is okay, but he knows that it will become a threatening problem to him and the rest of his penguin friends. They need help and word to spread that this will be a problem and it needs to be fixed before something really bad happens. Even though the Penguins do eat other things like fish and others critters. It still ends up coming back to the plankton that live under those ice sheets which fish and the other critters feed on.

Climate change is a problem that we're all facing and will have to deal with. What we need to do is close down those factories that are creating that disgusting black smoke and sending it into the air, and replace them with better and cleaner energy sources. The problem is those factories are the cheapest way to create energy and the cleaner ways cost a lot more money. The good thing is that people are starting to see that these factories are causing problems and we need to switch. They are coming up with new sources and how they are going to use them in the future. Another way we can save Petey and ourselves is to consume less food. We cannot waste the food that we get. We need to buy less and get just enough that we know will fill us up and not make us throw any food away. So next time you are going to eat, don't put food on your plate if you won't end up eating it. 

Image result for melting ice caps cartoonSo, whenever you see those dark clouds coming from a factory think about Petey and his friends down in Antarctica. When you are growing up, spread the word about the Climate change problem and what you can do to consume less energy and use less of that factory energy. Spread your ideas to people and get them to save energy and help Petey with his problem. Hopefully by consuming less energy, when we eventually get rid of factory energy. There won't be as much energy used and that much factory smoke produced that will melt the ice in Antarctica so much that it will endanger Petey and the penguins and other species.


Fig. 1: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 
Hi there! My name is Spongebob Squarepants, and welcome to my home, Bikini Bottom! I live in a pineapple under the sea, along with my best friends, Patrick and Squidward, and my pet snail, Gary! My friends and I love our life down here in the deep blue sea, but we have a problem...

Fig. 2: Nematodes!
 These are nematodes. They hop around Bikini Bottom searching for things to eat, and they'll eat anything! Even the pineapple I live in! 

Nematodes here in Bikini Bottom are different from the ones you might have where you live. Where I come from, nematodes cause property damage to people's houses and cars, but where you come from, things are a little different. Nematodes are roundworms, which are a different sort of animal than earthworms. One difference is that nematodes and other roundworms are very small in comparison to earthworms, however the biggest difference is that roundworms make their home in the stomach and intestines of animals, like dogs, and feed off the food that passes through the dog's body. Though the damage these parasites cause isn't as obvious as eating someone's house, the damage is still very real. 

Fig. 3: a real-life nematode
Nematodes are usually referred to as roundworms in the medical sense, and they mostly affect puppies rather than adult dogs. Puppies can contract roundworms through eating the feces of other infected dogs, but they can also get them from their mothers. 

Roundworms are tricky to get rid of, because even though adult roundworms are easy to get rid of, the larval (baby) roundworms can remain in the body for a very long time, and pass on to other dogs to restart their life cycle [1]. Puppies that catch roundworms usually experience bloated stomachs, coughing, diarrhea, and can even have their growth stunted when the roundworms eat too much of the food that is supposed to be ate by the puppy. If the puppies don't get enough nutrition, they won't be able to grow up into adult dogs properly [1][2]. 

It is important for our pets' sake to make sure roundworms are taken care of, but it is equally important for our own sake. Not only can puppies be affected by roundworms, but human children can also become infected with them if they come into too much contact with infected dogs or puppies. The way roundworms move through puppies' bodies and the way they move through human children's bodies is different. If the roundworms move to the liver, it can interfere with the liver's job in filtering out toxins from the body. If the roundworms move to the eyes, they can make a person go blind [2]. 

Fig. 4: Medicinal Miracles
Luckily for both us and our pets, roundworms are not very complicated to get rid of. De-worming treatments are no more complicated than giving your pet a pill. Roundworms don't even require any roundworm-specific treatment - heartworm medication (a different type of parasite) works for treating roundworms just as well[1][2].

Though we have some control over how our pets are treated for roundworms/nematodes, we often overlook a huge problem that affects both our pets and ourselves, that we often have much less control over - stray dogs. Stray dogs aren't monitored as well for parasites as our pets are - but that doesn't mean they are less vulnerable. The feces of stray dogs that have been infected with roundworms transmit the parasites just as much as any other feces. It is one-hundred percent in your own as well as your pet's interest to ease the problem of stray, untreated dogs.

Fig. 5: an ASPCA volunteer
Even though the nematodes drank away my house, you don't have to let them wreak havoc on your pet puppy's health! Nematodes are an annoyance, but they are preventable. Don't forget to keep your 
dogs happy and healthy, but also help curb the problem of stray dogs in your local community. If you see a stray dog in your community, be sure to contact your local animal shelter so they can 
Fig. 6: Spongebob Squarepants!
administer any help they can provide. 


ASPCA Volunteer [Photograph] (2017). Retrieved from

Nematodes! [Animation] (n.d.) retrieved from

Nematode [Photograph] (2017) retrieved from

1. Paddock, A. (2015, November 25). Roundworms in dogs: symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Retrieved from

2. Ward, E. (n.d.). Roundworm infection in dogs. Retrieved from  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Addiction Help

Image result for opioid addiction
Figure 1: Crippled by opioids
There is no question that you have heard a story about someone near you overdosing on opioids. It is a topic that news stations can't seem to stop covering! There are many people all over the world addicted to opioids and unfortunately, it is not uncommon for you to know someone that is addicted. Addiction is when a drug or alcohol user becomes dependent on the substance they are abusing. This means that the user has trouble stopping the harmful practices. Not only is this drug use harmful, but it is crippling as well (Figure 1).  Unfortunately, it is such a common problem that you may even know and love someone suffering from opioid addiction, and you need to help them before they end up in need of hospitalization or even a lawyer!

People who are addicted to opioids can be helped through a rehab program. A program like this involves the addict moving to a treatment facility far from home for about a month. How would you feel having to live far from your family all on your own? While at the facility, miles from their family and friends, addicts will begin by being detoxed. Detox simply means that the addict will be watched carefully while the leftover drugs leave their body (1). This portion of the treatment is hardest for the individual because they go through what is called withdrawal (1). People's bodies who suffer withdrawal have trouble functioning without opioids and become extremely sick (1). This process is incredibly painful which is why patients are carefully watched. After detox, a patient is placed in therapy. During therapy, people spend lots of their time speaking with other addicts and counselors to help get to the root of the problem and determine what causes the patient to use opioids (1). At the end of the stay at the treatment facility, people are moved to aftercare. Aftercare essentially helps recovering addicts live on their own and support themselves without harmful drugs (1). Many people are also placed in groups with a similar structure to the ones they were in during rehabilitation (1). Some people believe that addicts are truly helped through rehabilitation, but experts find medication to be the true fix.
Image result for opioid epidemic
Figure 2: Cartoon depicting how a user may
feel when using opioids.

Another way to help someone addicted to opioids is to prescribe them more opioids! It is not as bad as it sounds, trust me. Many experts believe that a medication based treatment is best (2). All you have to do in order to help an addicted individual is convince them to let their doctor know that they have a problem. Once a person does this, a doctor will give them a prescription for medications that serve a very important purpose in the addict's life (2). When the addict takes these medications, the symptoms of their withdrawals will virtually disappear (2). Although it does not entirely stop the addiction, this is currently the best way for someone to manage their addiction and withdrawal.

It is very important to help get addicts the help that they need because the number of deaths due to overdose is rising, and you can help! Just remember, that these people don't want to be addicted to these drugs, they just can't bring themselves to stop! They just need help, and you need to be the person to offer (Figure 2)! There is a debate on which treatment method works best, whether it be through rehabilitation or medication, it is important to vigilant and caring for people addicted to opioids. Often times they feel that nobody understands them, and you need to be there for them despite the choices they have made. You can be the change our country needs, and help start the process of addiction help


Pill Bottle Drawing [Photograph] (n.d.) Retrieved from

Call of help cartoon [Photograph] (2017) Retrieved from

(1) Miller, L. (n.d.). Frequently asked questions about addiction rehab. Retrieved November 24, 2017, from

(2) Bart G. Maintenance Medication for Opiate Addiction: The Foundation of Recovery. Journal of addictive diseases. 2012;31(3):207-225. doi:10.1080/10550887.2012.694598.


Time For Your Check Up

Figure 1
Doc Mcstuffins is a doctor for her toys. She helps make her toys feel better when they are sick. If you look to the right there is a picture of Doc helping Boppy feel better. If you get sick you go see your doctor so they can help you feel better. What if there was a way for the doctors to help you not get sick? Guess what there is! Vaccines help you not get sick. 

What are Vaccines?
Vaccines are medicine that the doctor gives you so that you don't get a disease (1). A disease is a something that makes you really sick. When the doctor gives you a shot they are helping you to not get sick. Doc Mcstuffins gives her toy Boppy a shot of air. This shot helped make the toy feel better because he was flat. The shot the doctor gives you is called a vaccine. The shot ,even though hurts for a little, it will help you stay health.

Figure 2
How do Vaccines Work?
Vaccines are made to work with your immune system. Your immune system is a part of your body that figures out what is good and what is bad. The good stuff in our bodies help keep us healthy and the bad is what causes us to get sick. After your immune system figures out what is bad the tiny superheros find a way to get rid of it. These little superheros are called antibodies(1).  When the doctor gives you the vaccine they put some of the bad in our bodies. They do not put enough of it to make us sick, just enough for the antibodies to remember it so that next time it won't make you sick. Figure 2 shows you a picture of someone like you getting a vaccine.
Why Do I Need Vaccines?
You need vaccines to help keep you healthy. If you don't get your vaccine you might get a disease. One disease you could get is the chicken pox. This is a silly name because it does not make you look like a chicken! The chicken poxs make you really itchy. You know how itchy a bug bite is? It would be like having a lot of bug bites. The chicken pox also hurt. So they would be itchy like a bug bite but they would hurt too(2).

Now It's Your Turn
Boppy got his shot of air to make him feel better so next time it is time for your check up you do not need to be scared of getting your shots. If Boppy can do it so can you! Just remember that one little pinch with help keep you healthy! And the best part of the whole check up is the yummy lollipop you get when you are all done!

(1) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (2017b, May 11). How vaccines work. Retrieved from a US Department of Health and Human Services managed    website:
(2) Chickenpox (Varicella). (2017, April 12). Retrived from:
(3) [Photograph]. Video thumbnail for Doc McStuffins Theme Tune. Retrieved from
(4) [Photograph]. Cartoon doctor giving child a vaccination. Retrieved from: 

Why Getting Shots isn't Such a Bad Thing

I don't know about you, but I hate having to go to the doctor to get a big needle stuck in my arm! The anticipation and nerves  while just sitting on the table waiting for that little pinch are almost unbearable. Without knowing a lot about them, it's easy to wish you never had to get shots. Have you ever wondered why it's such a big deal to get your vaccinations, or what vaccination even means? You might be interested to know how that little pinch could save you a lot of problems down the road, and that the reason for those routine annoyances starts with how your body already works.

What is your immune system?

To understand what vaccines do for the body, let's first talk about how your body naturally fights diseases. If you think about viruses and bad bacteria (there are lots of good bacteria, but that's for a different discussion) as invaders in your body trying to make you sick, the immune system is like your own personal army of defenders. These invading viruses and bacteria are also known as microbes. White blood cells are your first type of defense (3); think of them as the knights in shining armor standing at the front lines ready to take on all evil microbes. They are very good at their job for lots of diseases, but more powerful viruses and bacteria can outwit them. This is where antibodies come in! Antibodies are the smartest of your body's defenders. Each one knows how to defeat only a few types of microbes, so your body keeps MILLIONS of different antibodies ready to fight off all types of invaders (3). Every time a virus or bacteria sneaks into your body, one of your antibodies learns how to fight it off, and once you have a bunch of those antibodies, that disease can never make you sick again! (3)

How do vaccines help?

Like we just talked about, your antibodies are the brains of your immune system. They learn and remember how to fight the microbe invaders in order to keep you from getting sick (3). You can think of vaccines as special intel, or information, that doctors give your antibodies to help them learn about some really bad diseases (3). The actual stuff going into your blood is known as a "weakened virus," or a blueprint of a virus or bacteria that can't actually hurt you (1). Your immune system then uses this blueprint to produce antibodies that can fight that disease. Once the antibodies know how to fight it, the actual disease is much less likely to get you sick if it gets into your body (1)! Since doctors and scientists know how great your body already is at fighting diseases on its own, they use vaccines as a way of informing your body about a disease and letting your immune system do the rest (1).

What diseases do we get vaccinated for?

(Figure 1) Infant with Measles
Every couple years or so your doctor will let you and your parents know it's time for a follow-up vaccination. This is because immunizations, which are the shots you get containing the disease blueprints, are usually recommended to be given multiple times with a number of years between. With how many times you've already had to sit through getting vaccinated, I'm sure you're wondering what diseases all these vaccines are even for! For starters, there are a few common vaccines given only one time in very early years (usually before you're even 2 years old!). These include immunizations for polio, measles, and chickenpox (2). Although chickenpox and measles are different diseases that can cause different complications, they both look similar to Figure 1, which is a young baby with measles. Polio has recently been uncommon due to the vaccinations given for it, but it was very common and very deadly several decades ago. It affected the nervous system, which is what you brain uses to tell your body how to walk and use your arms, and could eventually lead to paralysis, or not being able to move your body. After you've grown up to where you are now, the most common vaccinations you get are the flu shot and DTaP. DTaP is a vaccine that prevents against the potentially serious diseases Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (2). Both of these vaccines are given every 7-10 years (2), so if you've gotten one recently, you're in the clear for a while!

(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, March 10). Immunization: The
     basics. In Vaccines and immunizations home. Retrieved from Centers for Disease 
     Control and Prevention website: 
(2) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, April 15) Vaccines for your
     children: Protect your child at every age. Retrieved from
(3) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (2012, November). How 
     vaccines work. Retrieved from a US Department of Health and Human Services
     managed website: 

Images (in order of appearance)
(1) Young girl getting vaccinated [photograph]. Retrieved from
(2) Knight in shining armor [animated image]. Retrieved from
(3) Vaccine in syringe [photograph]. Retrieved from
(4) (Figure 1) Infant with measles [photograph]. Retrieved from

What do you want to look like?

Figure 1
Middle School to High School (2)

The big leap from Middle School to High School is coming up! Who's excited!? The narrow hallways filled with tall lockers lined up, the big high schoolers towering over others, the teachers yelling "get to class", and some students thinking about nothing else but going to the bathroom to do a line or shoot up drugs quick. Those very kids are the ones that various eyes double take or they often get asked, "are you feeling okay?". Most kids know there is something wrong with them because of their outside appearance but they don't exactly what is causing them to look the way they do. 

Well I do! Let's take a look. 

A popular senior girl is in the bathroom the same time you are. You see a white substance laid out in a row on the metal shelf underneath the mirror above the sink. You keep starring at it, wondering what it could be and then she asks if you wanna do a quick line of cocaine before class. She assures you that you will feel great but you can't get past how she looks compared to you.

Let's start with her skin
Figure 2. Girl looking in mirror (3)

You notice that her skin looks different than yours as she goes from looking at you to looking in the mirror above where her cocaine lays. Drugs can cause breakouts and acne on the face and body (1). Your skin can also become very dull and have sores/ scars from constantly picking at it (1). Don't forget the needle marks left on your from shooting up drugs! 

Next, you notice that when she lowers her head to snort the cocaine you suddenly see bald spots throughout her hair. This may sound crazy but drugs can cause hair loss in men including facial hair as well as hair loss in women (1)! 

In school most students favorite "subject" is lunch! Drugs (meth in particular), causes decrease in appetite, thus causing abusers to look very thin and skeletal (1).  You being just a freshman might wonder how in the world you could be taller than a big, old senior. Well, abusing steroids, a type of drug, can cause someone to stop growing (1)

Figure 3. Teeth after and before the use of drugs (4)
Lastly, you notice her teeth as she smiles at you while asking if you want a hit. You are feet away but smell her breathe from where you're standing. She always has a water bottle tucked away tightly under her armpit. Why is this you may ask? Drugs (meth in particular), can cause dry mouth and poor dental hygiene (1). Poor dental hygiene can include rotten teeth, gum disease and bad breathe (1). Thus, answering why she has a water bottle at hand and her bad breathe.

The bell rings and you tell yourself you need to get to class. Although you are tempted to try something new, you don't want to catch yourself lookin' like that anytime soon! 

Drug abuse is a serious issue and in some situations if not treated the drug or it's withdraws can cause death in extreme cases. If you know anyone or you, yourself is suffering from drug abuse talk to someone or reach out and seek help. Click the link for help! You wont regret it. 


1. Just Think Twice. (n.d.). How Drugs Affect Your Looks And Your Body. Retrieved from
2. Figure 1. Retrieved from
3. Figure 2. Retrieved from
4. Figure 3. Retrieved from

Stop Teen Pregnancy

Stop Teenage Pregnancy

Growing up did you ever think about being a superhero with super powers and could save the world? What if I said you could still be one by encouraging youngmales and females to stop having sex and or to use condoms. Teen pregnancies are like villans, destroys young male and females future. One decision could change someones whole life. 

Being a teenage mother comes with responsibilities that normal teens wouldn't want to do such as going to doctors appointments, and when the baby is born there's no more hanging out with friends every weekend and having fun because the baby has to be taken care of. Most importantly teen pregnancy effects your education and your future how are you going to finish high school or even college while having to raise a child. Young M. Kim(2011) mentions that "Population growth and improved enrollment rates have led to a 32 percent enrollment growth during the past 10 years. The recent economic recession may also have played a part in increasing enrollment, which now reaches 19.1 million. The number of minority students grew 56 percent to 5.8 million..."(p.1). This quote was taken from a report about minorities in higher education, in this report there's statistics on every race but minorities could do better. Its reasons like teen pregnancies that lower the statistics especially for minorities so its important that you think about your actions before you do them. Everyone should have the opportunity to have a great future .

So lets all be heros of our future and stop teen pregnancy by simply using contraceptives like condoms and birth control or the easiest way to not be a teenage mother is to not have sex until you get married which is called abstinence.

Better to Be Safe Than Sorry

After all of the waiting, your crush FINALLY asks you to be their boyfriend or girlfriend 😁!! You start off holding hands, texting them all the time, and meeting in between classes to kiss in the stairwell. Things are off to a great start, but then, they start talking to you about wanting to have sex 😮. You have learned about the birds and the bees and where babies come from, thanks to the awkward conversation you had with your parents, but it is really starting to make you feel nervous. If you do become sexually active, what can keep you safe from getting diseases, or more seriously, having a baby 🤔 💭??

Making the decision to have sex is a HUGE responsibility. If you decide to do so, the best way to stay safe is by using contraceptives. Contraceptives are various methods people use to stay safe from sexually passed diseases, infections, and even pregnancy (5). You don't want to have a baby at 13 or 14 years old, right 😨?? Then contraceptives are the way to go! These are very good to consider and can be very helpful to keep you protected 👍. There are many methods to choose from depending on factors such as age, gender, price and personal preference between partners. 

For teenage boys, the most used method is a condom. A condom (shown in Figure 1) is a barrier method that works by putting a latex covering over your penis to prevent sperm from entering the vagina (1). I know, this is totally weird to read about, but honestly, if you aren't mature enough to discuss it then you may not be mature enough to do it 🤔. Condoms are very useful because not only is it one of the least expensive methods (because we get it- a lot of middle schoolers don't really have alot of
Figure 1: Condoms and birth control pills (2)
money) to use, but it also is easily accessible. You can walk into any local supermarket and it should be in the health section (6). For teenage girls, the most commonly used method is birth control pills. Birth control pills (shown in Figure 1) are taken by mouth and work to make hormones stop your eggs from coming down the fallopian tube, which prevents fertilization from a male's sperm (5). W
hen taken correctly the pill can be 91% effective 🙏 (5). 
In order to get the pill, you usually need a prescription from a doctor known as a gynecologist, who checks up on the female reproductive system (6). For more information on the various (over 15) types of birth control there are to choose from and what they do, click ➡️ here ⬅️ !

Listed below are some REALLY important ways how contraception is beneficial to teens your age. One of the most important ways contraceptives are helpful is that when they are used correctly they can prevent sexually transmitted diseases or infections 😬(also known as STD or STI). The methods that block sperm from entering the vagina or cover at least one of the two genitals involved (such as condoms), can prevent infected bodily fluids from passing from one person to another (1). Some of the diseases that are sexually transmitted are not curable and can even be fatal 😨. Using barrier protection is one of the only ways to prevent spreading these when having sex 👍. 

Another important way contraception is helpful is that it prevents pregnancy.
Figure 2: Teen pregnancy facts and statistics (3)
You have your whole life to live, do you really want to have a child, when you are this young? Birth control pills and condoms prevent fertilization (which is what makes a baby). Teen pregnancy is still extremely high in the United States🤰👎. It is also one of the top reasons for school dropouts. Dropping out of school can lead to no job and no job can lead to not making money 
😞 (3) . I think you know where I am going with that and how it is best NOT to let this happen to you. Don't you want to live your life as a kid and have no one to be responsible for 

besides yourself? Figure 2 shows accurate realities of what can occur if you become a teen parent and really emphasizes that teens are not ready to parent. This is for your own sake as well as the sake of an innocent child.

Bonus Fact: Did you know, even girls not having sex can take birth control pills to help them get clear skin? Certain birth control pills can help lessen or stop dreadful acne that starts for many girls this age! 😀

Overall, many teenagers are starting to not only learn what sex really is but acting on their sexual curiosity💏. The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid or nervous when it comes to considering using contraceptives because they are extremely helpful at keeping you safe. As long as you learn the correct ways to use them, they can keep you from getting unwanted diseases or having a baby 🎉. You have your whole life ahead of you, so make sure if you plan to become sexually active you have a serious thought about contraceptives. It can make such a positive impact on your future 🙂👍.

(1)   Amy, J & Thiery, M. (2015). The condom a turbulent history. PsychINFO. 20(8). 387-402.
(2) Corinna, H. (2011, May 6). If You Use the Pill, Do You Still Have to Use Condoms? Retrieved from Rewire website:  
(3) Durkin, E. (2013, March 4). NYC ad campaign on teen pregnancy marshals crying babies. Retrieved from NY Daily News website:
(4) Glasenbergen, R. (2000). [Drawing]. Received from
(5) Planned Parenthood. (n.d.). Birth Control Methods & Options | Types of Birth Control. Retrieved December 3, 2017, from 

(6) Planned Parenthood. (n.d.). Where Can I Buy Birth Control Pills & How Much Do They Cost? Retrieved December 2, 2017, from 

Saving Your Family & Friends from Addiction

Saving Your Family & Friends from Addiction Your friends and family are some of the most important people in your life, and you...